5.34 — Note on manufacture statement
- 5.34.1 Element information
- 5.34.2 RDA definition and scope
- 5.34.3 General rule
- 5.34.31 Manufacture statement notes
- 5.34.32 Place of manufacture notes
- 5.34.33 Parallel place of manufacture notes
- 5.34.34 Name of manufacturer notes
- 5.34.35 Parallel name of manufacturer notes
- 5.34.36 Date of manufacture notes
- 5.34.37 Other manufacture details
5.34.1 Element information Sources of information
5.34.2 RDA definition and scope A note on manifestation that provides information on the manufacture of a manifestation.
5.34.3 General rule Make a Note on manufacture statement according to the instructions below. In most cases, notes are optional (designated by “if considered important”). Some notes are required (designated by “always”).
5.34.31 Manufacture statement notes Sources of information. Always note the source of any element of the Manufacture statement when it is taken from a source other than the preferred source of information (see
Name of manufacturer from half-title verso
Manufacture statement from p. 72 Omitted information. Make a Note on manufacture statement giving manufacture-related information not transcribed in the Manufacture statement if considered important (see Transposition. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if elements in the Manufacture statement are transposed, indicating the original position of the transposed elements (see
Manufacture statement: Mexico : Imprenta de la Escalerillas dirigida por Manuel Ximeno, 1828
Note on manufacture statement: Date of manufacture precedes name of printer(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity) Information covered by labels, etc. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if any of the original details relating to the Manufacture statement are covered by a label, stamp, overprint, or other means showing later information and the original details are visible or otherwise available (see
5.34.32 Place of manufacture notes Places of manufacture in multipart monographs. If the manifestation is issued in more than one physical part and the place of manufacture changes in the course of publication, always record the place named in the later part(s) in a Note on manufacture statement (see Place of manufacture, Fictitious or incorrect places. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if the Place of manufacture appearing on the manifestation is known to be fictitious or incorrect (see When supplying the actual Place of manufacture in square brackets, always give the basis for the correction or clarification in a note on manufacture statement (see Place of manufacture,
Place of manufacture: Oxford [that is, London]
Note on manufacture statement: The place of manufacture is false; actually printed in London according to Madan(Comment: The formal citation for Madan’s bibliography is given in a Manifestation described by note (see
Place of manufacture: Cosmopoli [that is, London]
Note on manufacture statement: The place of manufacture is fictitious; printed in London by Richard Field according to Pollard’s Short-title catalogue(Comment: The formal citation for Pollard’s Short-title catalogue is given in a Manifestation described by note (see Supplied name for missing places of manufacture. Always make a Note on manufacture statement to justify a supplied Place of manufacture if the reason is not evident from the rest of the description (see
Manufacture statement: [London] : Printed at J. Pitts, Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew street, 7 dials
Note on manufacture statement: The seven dials are in London(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity)
Place of manufacture: [Québec?]
Note on manufacture statement: Probably printed in Québec in the late 18th or early 19th century. The paper and typography have the appearance of late 18th-century productions in Québec or Montreal, the type being mainly well worn old face Place of manufacture supplied based on address or sign. Make a Note on manufacture statement to justify a supplied Place of manufacture based on a sign or address if the reason is not evident from the rest of the description and if considered important (see Transposition of place names in more than one language or script. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if Place of manufacture appears in more than one language or script to indicate the original position on the source of any transposed statements (see and Parallel place of manufacture, 5.315.3.2).
5.34.33 Parallel place of manufacture notes Make a Note on manufacture statement of a parallel place of manufacture found elsewhere in the resource from the Place of manufacture if considered important (see Parallel place of manufacture, 5.315.3.1 and 5.315.3.4).
Parallel place of manufacture on cover reads: Saint-Cloud(Comment: The Title proper is in Latin. Place of manufacture on half-title verso reads: Sancti Clodoaldi)
5.34.34 Name of manufacturer notes Names of manufacturer in multipart monographs. If the manifestation is issued in more than one physical part and the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s form of name changes in the course of publication, always record the manufacturer’s name in the later part(s) in a Note on manufacture statement (see Name of manufacturer, Fictitious or incorrect names of manufacturer. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if the Name of manufacturer is known to be fictitious or incorrect (see Supplied name for fictitious or incorrect names of manufacturer. When supplying the actual name after the fictitious or incorrect name, always give the basis for the correction or clarification in a Note on manufacture statement (see Name of manufacturer,
Actually printed in Venice and attributed to the printer Francesco Andreola by Cambridge University Library
“Though it bears the imprint of Robertson, the work on this publication was evidently done by his journeyman and successor, William Alexander Rind. The latter presented a petition to the Council, Apr. 20, 1790, ‘praying for some compensation for his extraordinary trouble in printing the Journal of the Assembly …’” (Tremaine)(Comment: The formal citation for Tremaine’s bibliography is given in a Manifestation described by note (see Supplied and conjectured names of manufacturers. Always make a Note on manufacture statement if no name, address, or device of a manufacturer appears on the manifestation or if the responsibility of a manufacturer for a particular manifestation is conjectured. In any case of a supplied manufacturer, give supporting evidence in a note on manufacture statement (see Name of manufacturer,
Name of manufacturer: [Isaac Collins?]
Note on manufacture statement: Probably printed in Burlington by Isaac Collins, who did much of the printing for the state of New Jersey at this time(Comment: The source of information is a law of the state of New Jersey) Manufacturers identified by addresses, signs, or initials. If only the address, sign, or initials of the manufacturer appear in lieu of the manufacturer’s name and the name has not been supplied in Name of manufacturer, give the name in a Note on manufacture statement if it is known or can be reasonably surmised (see
Name of manufacturer: Printed at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street
Note on manufacture statement: The Bible in George-Yard, Lombard Street, was the address of the printer Luke Hind. According to the British Book Trade Index he was active there from 1735-1767 Devices. If the publisher’s name has been supplied based on a device, always make a Note on manufacture statement about the basis for the identification (see Name of manufacturer,
Woodcut printer’s device of Robert Bryson on the title page (device no. 358b in: McKerrow, R. Printer’s & publishers’ devices in England & Scotland, 1485-1640) Transposition of names of manufacturer in more than one language or script. For transposed elements, always make a Note on manufacture statement if the Name of manufacturer appears in more than one language or script to indicate the original position on the source (see and Parallel name of manufacturer, 5.325.3.2).
Parallel name of manufacturer transposed from English title page facing main title page in French
5.34.35 Parallel name of manufacturer notes Make a Note on manufacture statement of parallel manufacturer names found elsewhere in the resource from the source of Name of manufacturer if considered important (see Parallel name of manufacturer, 5.325.3.1 and 5.325.3.4).
Parallel name of manufacturer on cover reads: Imprimerie de Mme Ve Belin(Comment: The Title proper is in Latin. Name of manufacturer on half-title verso reads: Ex typis Viduae Belin)
5.34.36 Date of manufacture notes Chronograms. Include a transcription of the original chronogram in a Note on manufacture statement if considered important (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.352.2). Very long dates. Make a Note on manufacture statement describing the source and the original form of the Date of manufacture if considered important (see 5.33.352.3). Fictitious and incorrect dates. Always make a Note on manufacture statement to indicate the source of the information if the reason for supplying the actual date is not apparent from the rest of the description (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.352.4). Julian/Old Style Dates. Always make a Note on manufacture statement indicating the basis for the supplied year if the transcribed year of manufacture is based on the Julian calendar (sometimes called the Old Style calendar) and the manifestation is known to have been manufactured in the following year according to the modern European calendar (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.352.5). Multiple adjustments or additions. If the Date of manufacture requires more than a single adjustment or addition, always make a Note on manufacture statement giving the source of the supplied dates (see 5.33.352.7). Date of manufacture supplied from reference sources. If the Date of manufacture does not appear on the manifestation but is known, always give the source of the supplied date and any needed explanation in a Note on manufacture statement (see 5.33.353.1). Conjectural date of manufacture. When supplying a conjectural Date of manufacture based on any information available, always indicate the basis for the conjecture in a Note on manufacture statement (see 5.33.354.1). Patterns for supplying a conjectural date of manufacture. When supplying a conjectural date or period of manufacture according to one of the patterns shown in 5.33.3545.1, always indicate the basis for the conjecture in a Note on manufacture statement (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.3545.1). Date of manufacture in multipart monographs. Record the date of each volume in a Note on manufacture statement if considered important. Such a Note on manufacture statement is particularly useful when the order of manufacture does not correspond to the order of the volume numeration (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.355.2). Date of manufacture on part pages. If parts of a manifestation have individual title pages bearing dates that differ from the date pertaining to the whole manifestation, always give these additional dates in a Note on manufacture statement (see Date of manufacture, 5.33.356.1).
5.34.37 Other manufacture details Make a Note on manufacture statement for any other manufacture details that are considered important (see
This is ostensibly an English printing as the manifestation contains press figures, which is an English trait, and its signatures are centred in the direction line. It is an almost identical copy of the seventh London edition, dated 1779, the main differences being there are no catchwords and the use of French ornaments. It is likely a piracy, printed by an English printer employed by Besongne in Rouen(Comment: The imprint reads “Rouen, printed for JJ. Besongne, book-seller, in Grosse Horloge’s street, M.DCC.LXXXI”)