
3.23.1 Element information Link to RDA Toolkit Sources of information

3.23.2 RDA definition and scope A statement of responsibility that is associated with an edition.

3.23.3 General rule Transcribe a statement of responsibility relating to one or more editions, but not to all editions, of a given work as the Statement of responsibility relating to edition. Such statements may include the reviser or illustrator of a new edition, or a corporate body responsible for a new edition. Follow the instructions in Statement of responsibility relating to title proper for the transcription of such statements.

containing the recent additions to science by Charles V. Walker Do not, however, apply this provision to such statements that do not name or otherwise identify a person or corporate body.

Designation of edition: The last edition corrected and amended


Designation of edition: The last edition
Statement of responsibility relating to edition: corrected and amended In determining the extent of the Designation of edition and the beginning of the statement of responsibility relating to edition, it may be necessary to take into account the layout, punctuation, and typography of the preferred source of information as well as the sense of the text. Such words as “Revised and enlarged,” when appearing with the name of a person or body, might be transcribed either as part of the Designation of edition or as part of the statement of responsibility relating to edition, depending on their presentation on the preferred source of information.

3.23.31 Transposition of statements of responsibility not relating to edition If a statement of responsibility appears after the Designation of edition, transpose it to the Statement of responsibility relating to title proper in all cases except when it clearly applies to the edition being cataloged. Always make a Note on statement of responsibility to indicate this transposition (see

An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth : deduced from facts about the laws of nature / by John Whitehurst. — The second edition, considerably enlarged, and illustrated with plates
Note on statement of responsibility: The statement “by John Whitehurst” appears on the title page after the edition statement

(Comment: Statement of responsibility applies to all editions. Information is transcribed in five elements: Title proper; Other title information; Statement of responsibility relating to title proper; Designation of edition; and Designation of named revision of edition. The example is formatted according to ISBD for clarity)

3.23.32 Phrases about notes, appendices, etc. If there are phrases about notes, appendices, and other supplementary matter and they apply to the edition in hand but not necessarily to all editions of the work, transcribe them as Statements of responsibility relating to the edition only in cases where the phrase names or otherwise identifies a person or corporate body, and appears in the same source as the Designation of edition.

to which is added, a sermon intitled, The care of the soul urged as the one thing needful by the same author

to which is added, A treatise on confirmation, by Mr. Adams If the phrase does not name a person or corporate body, transcribe it as part of the Designation of edition or as part of the first Statement of responsibility relating to edition, as appropriate.

Designation of edition: The sixth edition, with an appendix, and other enlargements

Designation of edition: A new edition
Statement of responsibility relating to edition: by Grace Webster, to which is added a life of the author If such phrases have been transposed from a position preceding the Designation of edition, always provide details of the transposition in a Note on edition statement (see

3.23.33 Statements of responsibility relating to edition in more than one language or script If there are Designations of edition in more than one language or script on the manifestation, but only a single Statement of responsibility relating to edition, transcribe the statement of responsibility as the Statement of responsibility relating to edition (see If a Statement of responsibility relating to edition appears on the manifestation in more than one language or script, transcribe the statement in the language or script of the Title proper. If this criterion does not apply, transcribe the statement that appears first. Transcribe other statements of responsibility as Parallel statements of responsibility relating to edition (see When transposing, always make a Note on edition statement to indicate the original position on the source of information (see

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