6.215 — Note on extent of manifestation
- 6.215.1 Element information
- 6.215.2 RDA definition and scope
- 6.215.3 General rule
- 6.215.4 Note on extent of text
- 6.215.42 Manifestations in one physical unit
- 6.215.421 General rule
- 6.215.422 Normally imposed single sheets
- 6.215.423 Unnumbered pages or leaves
- 6.215.424 Multiple sequences of numbering
- 6.215.4245 Expansions of corrections
- 6.215.426 Leaves or pages of plates
- 6.215.427 Folded leaves
- 6.215.4275 Double leaves
- 6.215.428 Incomplete manifestations
- 6.215.43 Manifestations in more than one physical unit
- 6.215.44 Signatures
- 6.215.42 Manifestations in one physical unit
6.215.1 Element information Sources of information
6.215.2 RDA definition and scope A note on manifestation that provides information on the extent of a manifestation.
6.215.3 General rule Make a Note on extent of manifestation according to the instructions below. In most cases, notes are optional (designated by “if considered important”). Some notes are required (designated by “always”).
6.215.4 Note on extent of text
6.215.42 Manifestations in one physical unit
6.215.421 General rule
6.215.421.1 Make a note on details of extent that are not already included in Extent of manifestation if considered important (see 6.21.4245.1).
Note on extent of manifestation: Volumes numbered: 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3
Extent of manifestation: [8], 260, [2] leaves
Note on extent of manifestation: Numbered leaves with text on both sides
6.215.421.2 If the leaves are numbered on and printed on one side only or unnumbered and printed on one side only, record this fact in a Note on extent of manifestation if considered important (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.421.2).
6.215.421.3 Always make a Note on extent of manifestation to explain that pages, etc. are numbered in words or in characters other than arabic or roman numerals (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.421.3).
6.215.422 Normally imposed single sheets
6.215.422.1 Record the presence of blank pages in a normally imposed single-folded (i.e., four-page) sheet (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.422.1).
Extent of manifestation: 1, [3] pages
Note on extent of manifestation: Last three pages are blank
Extent of manifestation: [4] pages
Note on extent of manifestation: Folded single sheet; last three pages are blank
6.215.423 Unnumbered pages or leaves
6.215.423.1 If blank leaves at the beginning of the first gathering or at the end of the final gathering have been recorded in the Extent of manifestation, always record their presence in a Note on extent of manifestation (see 6.21.4225.1).
The first and last leaves are blank
6.215.424 Multiple sequences of numbering
6.215.424.1 If the manifestation has duplicate sequences of paging, as is sometimes the case with manifestations having parallel texts, record both pagings and make an explanatory Note on extent of manifestation (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.424.2).
Extent of manifestation: xii, [1], 35, 35, [1] pages
Note on extent of manifestation: Opposite pages bear duplicate numbering
Extent of manifestation: [1], vii, vii, [2], vii, vii, 95, 95, 94-131, 94-131, [3] pages
Note on extent of manifestation: Text in English and French on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate
6.215.424.2 If a volume has pagination of its own and also bears the pagination of a larger resource of which it is a part, record the paging of the individual volume as Extent of manifestation. Record the pagination of the larger sequence in a Note on extent of manifestation (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.424.4).
Extent of manifestation: 16 pages
Note on extent of manifestation: Pages 4-16 also numbered 196-208
6.215.424.3 If the extent is not fully recorded in the Extent of manifestation (e.g., the sequences are exceedingly numerous), record all the sequences in a Note on extent of manifestation if considered important (see 6.21.424.6).
6.215.4245 Expansions of corrections
6.215.4245.1 If misleading or incorrect numbering is recorded in the Extent of manifestation, provide an explanatory Note on extent of manifestation if considered important (see 6.21.4245.2).
Extent of manifestation: 564 [that is, 56] leaves
Note on extent of manifestation: Leaf 56 wrongly numbered 564
6.215.426 Leaves or pages of plates
6.215.426.1 Always make a Note on extent of manifestation to indicate any title page counted as a plate (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.426.4).
Plate has engraved title page on recto and blank verso
With an added engraved title page, which has been counted as the plate
6.215.427 Folded leaves
6.215.427.1 Make a Note on extent of manifestation to indicate any folded letterpress leaves if considered important (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.427.1).
Extent of manifestation: [10], 199 [that is, 203], [33] pages, [3] folded leaves of plates
Note on extent of manifestation: The folded leaves are letterpress tables not included in signature statement
6.215.4275 Double leaves
6.215.4275.1 Always record the presence of double leaves in a Note on extent of manifestation (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.4275.1).
Printed on double leaves, with uncut fold at the fore edge
Some of the plates are printed on double leaves
6.215.428 Incomplete manifestations
6.215.428.1 If the paging or foliation of a complete exemplar of the manifestation cannot be ascertained, record in a Note on extent of manifestation that the extent is based on an incomplete exemplar (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.428.1).
Extent based on incomplete copy
6.215.43 Manifestations in more than one physical unit
6.215.431 General rule
6.215.431.1 Always make a Note on extent of manifestation indicating that a manifestation was issued in fascicles intended to be bound into one or more physical units (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.431.2).
Issued in 6 fascicles
6.215.434 Bibliographic units vs. physical volumes
6.215.434.1 Always make a Note on extent of manifestation indicating the number of bibliographic volumes if the number of bibliographic volumes differs from the number of physical volumes (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.434.1).
6.215.436 Pagination not continuous
6.215.436.1 If the pagination of a manifestation in more than one physical unit is not continuous and if considered important, record the number of pages, etc. of each unit either in parentheses after the number of units in Extent of manifestation, or in a Note on extent of manifestation (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.436.1).
Extent of manifestation: 4 volumes
Note on extent of manifestation: Pagination: vi, [2], 590 pages, [2] leaves of plates; [4], 493, [1] pages, [2] leaves of plates; [4], 519, [1] pages, [6] leaves of plates; [4], 516, [20] pages, [16] leaves of plates
6.215.437 Discontinued manifestations
6.215.437.1 If a publication planned for more than one physical unit has been, or appears to have been, discontinued before completion, always make a Note on extent of manifestation indicating that no more units have been issued (see Extent of manifestation, 6.21.437.1).
No more published(Comment: Title page states “Part the first” but no other parts were published)
6.215.44 Signatures General rule. Make a note giving details of the signatures of a volume if considered important. Record these signature details according to the collational formula in Philip Gaskell’s A New Introduction to Bibliography (see pages 328–331), insofar as typographical facilities permit. Preface this note with the word “Signatures” and a colon.
Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴ D² E-G⁴ H²
Signatures: pi⁴(-pi4) A-B⁶ C⁴ a⁶ b⁸, ²A-S⁶ T-V⁴ 2A-2U⁶ 3A-3U⁶ 4A-4U⁶ 5A-5Z⁶ a⁶ 2a⁶ *⁶ **⁸
Signatures: pi⁴ a-i⁸ chi²
Signatures: [1-4⁸][5-6⁶][7⁸](Comment: Volume is completely unsigned)
In general, record signatures for incunabula, especially if signatures are not given in a standard bibliographic or reference source. In general, also record signatures when a volume has no pagination or foliation.
Record the presence of blank leaves as part of a signature statement if considered important.
Signatures: 1-30⁸ 31⁴ 32-35⁸ (31₄, 35₈ blank) Unavailable characters. If the gatherings are signed with a brevigraph (see Transcription, that cannot be reproduced using available typographical facilities, substitute the spelled-out form and enclose it in square brackets.
Signatures: A-F⁸ G⁶ a-z⁸ &⁸ [con]⁸ [rum]⁸ 2a-2y⁸
If the gatherings are signed with other unavailable characters, substitute a descriptive term or an abbreviation for that term if a standard abbreviation exists.
Signatures: [dagger]⁸ a-q⁸
(Comment: Gathering is signed with)
Signatures: *⁸ [double dagger]⁸ A-M⁸ N⁴(Comment: Gathering is signed with
Signatures: [fist]⁴ A-D⁸ E⁸(±E2) F-G⁸ H⁴ I²(Comment: Gathering is signed with
Signatures: [fleuron]⁸ A⁴ B-Y⁸(Comment: Gathering is signed with
Signatures: [Maltese cross]⁶ A-X⁸ 2A-2P⁸ 2Q⁴(Comment: Gathering is signed with
Signatures: [par.]⁸ A⁸(-A1) B-E⁸ F²(Comment: Gathering is signed with
Signatures: [par.]⁴ 2[sec.]⁴ 3[sec.]² A-3P⁴(Comment: Gatherings are signed with
) Special uses of pi and chi. Indicate unsigned leaves that fall outside the signature sequence (see Gaskell, page 330) by using the words pi and chi. Do not enclose the words in square brackets. Do not use the Greek characters π and χ, as these will give the impression that the leaves have actually been signed with Greek letters (see
Signatures: pi⁴ A-C⁴ chi² D-Z⁴
Indicate partial duplications of an alphabet (see Gaskell, page 331) by using superscript pi and superscript chi or, if superscript letters are not available, by substituting “[superscript pi]” and “[superscript chi].”
Signatures: piA⁴ A-D⁴ chiD⁴ E-F⁴
Signatures: [superscript pi]A⁴ A-D⁴ [superscript chi]D⁴ E-F⁴ Non-conventional Latin alphabet. If the gatherings are signed with roman letters according to a pattern other than the conventional 23-letter Latin alphabet (i.e., A-Z, less I or J, U or V, and W), make this explicit by recording the additional letters in the signature statement.
Signatures: A-C⁸ G-U⁴ W⁴ X-Y⁴(Comment: Printer used a 24-letter alphabet)
Signatures: [A]⁸ B-I⁸ J⁸ K-U⁸ V⁸ W⁸ X-Z⁸ ²A-B⁸ chi²(Comment: Printer used a 26-letter alphabet) Signatures do not match gatherings. If it can be determined that the signing of the volume does not match its actual gatherings, indicate this in the note.
Signatures: [A]⁴ B-2G⁴ ²2E-2G⁴. Gathered in twelves, with three separate but consecutive signatures within each gathering Concurrent signatures. If the volume is signed using two concurrent sequences, provide both sets of signatures in the note. Record the signatures that correspond to the actual gatherings first, if this can be determined.
Signatures: a⁴ e⁴ i⁴ A-P⁴ R-7A⁴ (gathering P also signed Q)
Signatures: A¹²; also signed [1]⁶ 2⁶
Signatures: [A]² B-2H². Gatherings B-2H also signed No. 2-No. 31 Nonroman signatures (numeric sequence). If the gatherings are signed with nonroman characters that follow a numeric sequence, represent the characters using arabic numeration. Include an indication of the script used in the signatures in the note.
Signatures (in Hebrew numerals): 1-32⁴ 1-27⁶ 1-18⁶
Signatures (in Hindu-Arabic numerals): 1-12⁸
Signatures (in Church Slavic Cyrillic numerals): 1-25⁸ 26⁶ 1-22⁸ 23⁶(-236) 24⁸
If the nonroman characters are accompanied by parallel numeration using another script, record this as well.
Signatures (in parallel Hebrew and arabic numerals): pi⁸ 1-4⁸(Comment: Indicates a numeric sequence in which the first gathering is unsigned, followed by gatherings signed 1-4 in both Hebrew and arabic numerals)
In case of doubt as to whether a sequence is numeric or alphabetic, assume a numeric sequence.
Signatures (in Hebrew characters): 2-3⁸(Comment: Indicates two gatherings signed with characters that could belong to either an alphabetic or numeric sequence) Nonroman signatures (alphabetic sequence). If the gatherings are signed with nonroman characters that follow an alphabetic sequence, transcribe in original script if typographical facilities permit, or in romanized form using the ALA-LC Romanization Tables (see LC-PCC PS 1.4). Use uppercase or lowercase characters according to the usage of the manifestation. If the script is one that does not employ case, or if the case of the characters cannot be determined, use lowercase characters. Indicate the script used in the signatures if recording them in romanized form, or if the signature statement would otherwise be ambiguous. If considered important for clarity, follow a compressed signature statement by a total count of the gatherings in that sequence in square brackets (see Greek alphabetic signatures. For gatherings signed in Greek alphabetic sequences, use the 24-letter alphabet in the following chart as the basis for compressed signature statements (Greek letters are given in the top row, their romanized equivalents in the bottom row):
Greek | Α | Β | Γ | Δ | Ε | Ζ | Η | Θ | Ι | Κ | Λ | Μ | Ν | Ξ | Ο | Π | Ρ | Σ | Τ | Υ | Φ | Χ | Ψ | Ω |
Romanized | A | B | G | D | E | Z | Ē | Th | I | K | L | M | N | X | O | P | R | S | T | Y | Ph | Ch | Ps | Ō |
Signatures: pi1 α-γ² Α-2Λ²or
Signatures (in Greek characters): pi1 a-g² A-2L²
(Comment: Indicates an alphabetic sequence with an initial unsigned leaf, three gatherings signed α-γ in lowercase, a full sequence of 24 gatherings signed uppercase Α-Ω, finishing with a partial sequence signed ΑA-ΛΛ in uppercase) Hebrew alphabetic signatures. For gatherings signed in Hebrew alphabetic sequences, use the 22-letter alphabet in the following chart as the basis for compressed signature statements (Hebrew letters are given in the top row, their romanized equivalents in the bottom row):
Hebrew | א | ב | ג | ד | ה | ו | ז | ח | ט | י | כ | ל | מ | נ | ס | ע | פ | צ | ק | ר | ש | ת |
Romanized | ʼ | b | g | d | h | ṿ | z | ḥ | ṭ | y | k | l | m | n | s | ʻ | p | ts | ḳ | r | sh | t |
Signatures:⁸, a-k⁸
Signatures: ʼ-sh⁸(in Hebrew characters), a-k⁸
(Comment: Indicates a Hebrew alphabetic sequence followed by a roman sequence) Other nonroman alphabetic signatures. For all other nonroman alphabetic signature sequences, do not assume that a standard signing pattern can be used as the basis for compressed signature statements. Give the first and last characters in each sequence, followed by a total count of the gatherings in that sequence in square brackets.
Signatures: А-Ѵ² [=41], 2А-2Ѵ² [=41], 3А-3Ѿ² [=24]or
Signatures (in Church Slavic characters): A-Ẏ² [=41], 2A-2Ẏ² [=41], 3A-3ŌT͡͡² [=24] Directionality of sequence. Include in the note an indication of the direction of a sequence, if it does not follow the reading direction of the script or text in that sequence, if there are sequences in opposite directions in the same resource, or if the directionality of the sequence is otherwise ambiguous or unusual.
Signatures (right to left): ):(⁸ A-2Y⁸ Full collation. If considered important, record the full collational formula instead of only the signature statement, including format and statement of signing as described in Philip Gaskell’s A New Introduction to Bibliography (see pages 331-332). Preface this note with the word “Collation” and a colon.
Collation: 8vo: A-H⁴; 32 leaves: p. [1-2] 3-62 [63-64]; $3(-H3) signed. H4 blank