
5.29.1 Element information Link to RDA Toolkit Sources of information

5.29.2 RDA definition and scope A statement that identifies a place of manufacture, a manufacturer, or a date of manufacture of a published manifestation. A manufacture statement includes a statement about the printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a published manifestation.

5.29.3 General rule Transcribe the manufacture statement in the form and order in which it is presented on the preferred source of information, unless specifically instructed otherwise (see Transcription,

Carlisle : Printed at the Patriot Office, Arcade, Lowther Street

(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity)

5.29.31 Information covered by labels, etc. If any of the original details relating to the manufacture statement are covered by a label, stamp, overprint, or other means showing later information, transcribe the later information. If the original details are visible or otherwise available, always transcribe or give them in a Note on manufacture statement (see For printed materials with manuscript information, use judgment in determining whether or not the manuscript information should be transcribed as the manufacture statement or as item-specific information. In case of doubt, consider the manuscript information to be item-specific information and record as a Note on item (see

5.29.32 Elements relating to publication vs. elements relating to distribution or manufacture Statements relating to distribution or manufacture will sometimes be more appropriately transcribed as elements of publication, and sometimes as elements of distribution or manufacture. The roles of publishers, printers and booksellers were not clearly delimited in the hand-press period. Statements relating to distribution or manufacture frequently appear prominently on early printed materials, reflecting the tendency of booksellers or printers to function as more than solely distributors or manufacturers. As the book trade industry became increasingly specialized over time, however, the role of the publisher gradually emerged as dominant, while manufacturer and distributor gradually diminished in importance.

5.29.33 Statements relating to manufacture only If the resource bears only a statement relating to manufacture or multiple such statements, generally assume the manufacturer to also be functioning as publisher. Treat the statement as a Publication statement.

Publication statement: Impressum Lo[n]doniis : Per Wynandum de Worde hac in vrbe in parrochia Sancte Brigide (in the Fletestrete) ad signum solis commorantem, anno D[omi]ni M.CCCCC.xxviij die v[er]o xiij, mensis Maij

(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity)

5.29.34 Statements relating to publication and to distribution or manufacture If the resource bears statements relating both to publication and to distribution or manufacture, determine whether or not the statements are grammatically separable. If a manufacture statement is grammatically separable, treat the statement as a manufacture statement. If grammatically inseparable, transcribe it as a Publication statement.

Publication statement: Printed at Boston : By Samuel Etheridge, for Daniel Brewer, sold by him in Taunton, and by D. West, and Thomas & Andrews, in Boston, April, 1798

(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity)

Publication statement: Gedruckt zu Leipzig : Bey vnd in Vorlegung Iohann Beyers, im Iahr M.D.XCv [1595]

(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity)

Publication statement: Vlissypone [Lisbon] : Ex officina & sumptibus Pauli Craesbeeck, anno Domini MDCLIII [1653]

(Comment: Example formatted with ISBD punctuation for clarity) If a statement with grammatically inseparable elements contains information relating both to the manufacture of the resource and to the agents who have contributed to its intellectual or artistic content, use judgment in deciding whether to transcribe the statement as part of the manufacture statement or as a Statement of responsibility relating to title proper (see Often the layout of the source will suggest the appropriate treatment.

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