DCRMR is one of several manuals providing specialized cataloging rules for various formats of rare materials typically found in rare book, manuscript, and special collections repositories. Together, these manuals form Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (DCRM), an overarching concept rather than a publication in its own right.
DCRMR is aligned with the RDA element set. When completed, DCRMR will be an integrated and consolidated manual, which will include instructions for rare materials in multiple formats (e.g., music, serials). Currently, DCRMR allows for RDA-compliant rare book cataloging. Previous published editions of the DCRM manuals will not be deprecated and may be used when following the instructions in the Original Toolkit or the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition (AACR2).
DCRMR can be downloaded as a PDF: DCRMR PDF (release 2022.2.0.0). Previous releases of the DCRMR PDF may be found at DCRMR GitHub repository: PDF folder.
Information regarding the RBMS RDA Editorial Group’s preferred fonts is available on the DCRMR Wiki: Preferred fonts.
RBMS RDA Editorial Group (2022/2023)Permalink
Chief editorsPermalink
Liz Adams, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University
Jessica Grzegorski, Newberry Library
Erin Blake, Folger Shakespeare Library
Laura Doublet, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.
Tammy Druash, University of North Florida
Ryan Hildebrand, University of Oregon
Deborah J. Leslie, Folger Shakespeare Library
Iris O’Brien, British Library
Elizabeth O’Keefe, Formerly of the Morgan Library & Museum
Jessie Sherwood, Robbins Research Collection and Research Center, Berkeley Law
Brittney Washington, Harry Ransom Center
Keepers of the textPermalink
kalan Knudson Davis, University of Minnesota
Yoonha Hwang, Harvard College Library
Matthew J. Murphy, Milwaukee Public Library
Amy Tims, American Antiquarian Society
The work of the current RBMS RDA Editorial Group is informed by and indebted to the work of past Editorial Groups. For the complete roster of members, both past and present, see the Membership roster.
Current StatusPermalink
Minimum viable product containing book instructions. Approved for cataloging, effective February 2, 2022.
History of the revision processPermalink
In 2010, John Attig and Bob Maxwell wrote a discussion paper “Reconsidering DCRM in the Light of RDA”
2011-2012 DCRM-RDA Task Force presented key recommendations
2012-2014 DCRM(B) for RDA Revision Group
2014-2017 Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials Task Force
2017-2018 RBMS PS editorial work absorbed by BSC and public review of sections of the PS
2018-2019 RBMS Policy Statements Editorial Group