8 — Series
8.01.1 Sources of information The sources of information for series elements are the series title page, monograph title page, cover (if issued by the publisher), dust jacket, and the rest of the manifestation, in that order of preference (see Data provenance, 0.1.5). For multipart monographs, prefer a source in the first volume. If the manifestation has both main series and subseries titles, prefer a source containing both titles.
Series-like statements present on covers not issued by the publisher usually represent binders’ titles and should be treated as item-level information if considered important (see Title of item, If the Series statement, or any of its elements, is taken from a source other than the series title page, always make a Note on series statement (see If the Series statement appears on both the series title page and the monograph title page, indicate this in a Note on series statement if considered important (see Transcribe the text of the latter statement as a second Series statement if the two differ. If the Series statement appears as a stamp or on a label, transcribe it as found and make a Note on series statement to indicate the presence of the stamp or label (see If a Series statement is not present in the manifestation, but bibliographic or reference sources provide evidence that the book was issued as part of a publisher’s series, do not supply a Series statement. Rather, provide the series information in a Note on series statement if considered important (see
8.01.2 Element order General element order, punctuated and capitalized according to ISBD:
Title of series : other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series ; numbering within sequence If both a main series title and a subseries title appear on the resource, record the title of the main series first, followed by the title of the subseries.
Title of series. Title of subseries If there are Parallel titles of series, transcribe each subseries after the series title to which it relates.
Title of series. Title of subseries = Parallel title of series. Parallel title of subseries Transcribe Other title information of series following the Title of series. If there are Parallel titles of series, transcribe the other title information after the series title to which it relates.
Title of series : other title information of series = Parallel title of series
Title of series : other title information of series = Parallel title of series : parallel other title information of series Transcribe a Statement of responsibility relating to series following the Title of series.
Title of series : other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series If there are Parallel titles of series but the Statement of responsibility relating to series appears in only one language or script, transcribe the Statement of responsibility relating to series after the last parallel title, following any other title information associated with the title.
Title of series : other title information of series = Parallel title of series : parallel other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series. If the statement of responsibility appears in more than one language or script, transcribe each statement after the title of series (or other title information) to which it relates.
Title of series : other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series = Parallel title of series : parallel other title information of series / parallel statement of responsibility relating to series If series numbering is present, transcribe it as the last element in the Series statement.
Title of series : other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series ; numbering within sequence If there are Parallel titles of series and the series numbering also appears in more than one language or script, transcribe each number after the series title to which it relates (following any other title information or any statement of responsibility associated with the title).
Title of series : other title information of series / statement of responsibility relating to series ; numbering within sequence = Parallel title of series : parallel other title information of series / parallel statement of responsibility relating to series ; numbering within sequence [relating to Parallel title of series] If the series numbering appears only once, transcribe it after the series title to which it relates.
Title of series ; numbering within sequence [relating to Title within series] = Parallel title of series However, if the numbering relates to all, more than one, or none of the series titles, transcribe it at the end of the Series statement.
Title of series = Parallel title of series ; numbering within sequence [relating to both the Title of series and the Parallel title of series]
8.01.3 Form and order of information Transcribe Series information in the form and order in which it is presented on the preferred source of information, unless specifically instructed otherwise (see Transcription,
8.215 — Parallel title of series
8.23 — Other title information of series
8.235 — Parallel other title information of series
8.25 — Statement of responsibility relating to series
8.255 — Parallel statement of responsibility relating to series
8.27 — Numbering within sequence
8.29 — Note on series statement