8.215 — Parallel title of series
- 8.215.1 Element information
- 8.215.2 RDA definition and scope
- 8.215.3 General rule
- 8.215.31 Parallel subseries titles
8.215.1 Element information Sources of information
8.215.2 RDA definition and scope A nomen that is a title of series in another language or script.
8.215.3 General rule If the source bears a series title in more than one language or script, transcribe as Title of series the title that is in the language and script of the Title proper. If this criterion does not apply, transcribe the title that appears first in the source. Transcribe the remaining title(s), together with any associated information, as Parallel title of series. Always make a Note on series statement to indicate the original position on the source of any transposed titles (see
Title of series: Canadian cities, bird’s eye views
Parallel title of series: Villes du Canada, vues à vol d’oiseau
Title of series: Europäische Hochschulschriften
Parallel title of series: European university papers
Parallel title of series: Publications universitaires européennes Optionally, if the parallel titles of series in a single statement are considered too numerous to list exhaustively and some may be omitted without significant loss of identification, all after the third may be omitted. Supply in square brackets a phrase in the language and script of the cataloging agency to convey the nature of the omitted information. Include the number of parallel titles of series in the supplied phrase. Do not use the mark of omission.
8.215.31 Parallel subseries titles If there are both parallel titles of series and subseries titles on the resource, transcribe each subseries after the series title to which it relates. If any parallel titles have been omitted from the transcription, also omit their associated subseries.